Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Reminiscences of Father Blessings

   Fathers play a critically important role in the raising of the children—a role that is all too often undervalued or made to appear farcical in popular culture. In actuality, though, fathers provide modeling and strength as they nurture and provide for their families. One of the ways we celebrate fathers at this time of the year is with our drawing, â€Å"Dad is Reading.† Held on our Facebook page, the drawing is one of our ways we celebrate and lift up fathers. Additionally, we would love to flood Facebook with pictures of dads reading to their kids. Share them on our page with the hashtag #dadisreading, and your chances for winning the prize will be doubled!    Another way we can celebrate fathers is by sharing some of our own happy memories of our dads. Recently we had a few people from IEW share some of their memories of their dads. Enjoy reading through this post that celebrates fathers through each contributor’s happy reminiscences.    My first memory of visiting a library was with my dad when I was a first grader living in rural Alabama. Shy and introverted, I found shelves full of friends to fill my days. Those library visits continued as we moved frequently. Books were my one constant. Among some of my favorite and oft-read authors are those my dad introduced me to—Heinlein, Asimov, Michener, and Lewis. Unquestionably, my own kids' instinctive grab for a book as we walked out the door was due to their grandfather's legacy of instilling a love of the written word. Although my dad is no longer with us, I look forward to kindling his love of reading in his great-grandchildren. ~Marci Harris, Online Level C Instructor    My sweet engineer-turned-missionary father was my first example of clear and concise writing and speaking. As a trained linguist and Bible translator, he knew the power of words. I loved to hear him speak and still enjoy reading his newsletters. Because of his perfect timing, I would laugh again and again at his same "gallbladder" joke. His beautifully put together slide presentations (now PowerPoints!) went perfectly with stories of the people we worked with. He always showed their dignity and worth as people made in the image of God as he explained to our supporters about the work going on with the Manobo people of the Philippines. At first the Manobos did not see themselves that way, as image bearers of God, but many came to believe. My dad worked hard at translating the New Testament in their language so they could read it for themselves. I'm a grateful daughter. ~Lisa Averitt, Accounts Department    One of my daughter’s favorite memories with her father was a tradition which started when she and her sister were very young. Every evening when my husband arrived home from work, he would wait at the end of our driveway. Amy and Nicki would burst out of the house and would take turns running down the slope of our driveway, laughing as their dad caught them and twirled them around! In our family, this was affectionately called "The Rundown," and the tradition continued for years and years. It was an energetic and enjoyable way to welcome dad home from work. The girls would run full speed toward their dad knowing he would catch them! ~Debbi Hall, Hybrid School Team    Wonderful moments with my dad started early for me. While working long hours as a local pastor, he still found time to create the most incredible birthday parties and would arrive home unexpectedly after a big snow to take my sisters and I trekking through the forest in the winter wonderland and sledding down a hill all together in our kiddie pool. These moments have certainly changed as he's "parented" me in this adult season of my life, and while he has stepped back for me to â€Å"leave and cleave,† he still treats me as his little girl, always ready to come alongside my husband and me, offering support during what can be very difficult years. In particular, I remember having to move quickly in the midst of a trial—with my husband mired in responsibilities—and aching that he could not help me get the house together. My dad drove hours to my home and helped me move boxes and got down on his hands and knees and cleaned the floors—even the yucky areas wher e our washer/dryer and refrigerator had stood, then continued on to the bathrooms. His hugs, the smell of his cologne, and his reminder, "I love you to the end of the numbers!" have always grounded me and helped me to confidently continue on my journey. Throughout the years, my dad has created moments of such fun, shared wisdom, and dependability—and it has been truly wonderful! ~Katie Eades, Customer Service    My husband didn’t read a lot of books to our children. What he preferred to do instead was to create his own stories specifically tailored to each child. Every night before bed, he would cuddle up with each of our three children to share the latest installment of â€Å"their† special story. One child had a story featuring a character my husband named â€Å"Ropin’ Roy.† Another child who absolutely loved stories about animals cherished her own special stories about a â€Å"long-eared, purple-nosed, silver-belled, honey-uddered cow† who traveled around her storybook land saving other animals in peril. And yet another child enjoyed a story that featured a character who shared his name—â€Å"Jacob the Mighty.† Our children still fondly recall their story time spent with dad spinning fantastic tales every night. ~Jennifer Mauser, Homeschool Educational Consultant    My dad was one of those â€Å"read out loud to your children† dads. From Mother Goose to Bible stories, from Gateway to Storyland to nature books, it was a rare night that Dad didn’t take time to snuggle with his six children and read bedtime stories. Not knowing any different, I assumed all children experienced the same happy childhood. I learned otherwise when my high school friends couldn’t recite Mother Goose! Of course, because of this legacy, I was very intentional about reading to my own boys. And now that I have a granddaughter, even though she lives 1800 miles away, I make it a point to gift her with plenty of books and to upload her iPod with stories I’ve recorded. Thanks, Dad, for being that role model that carries on to many generations. ~Julie Walker, Chief Marketing Officer    My dad would tirelessly share the story of how he came to Christ with us and with others. I came to know the power of God that can combat the despair of a life without hope vicariously through the gentle, powerful witness of my dad—a life changed by the love of Christ. And because of my dad's willingness to serve the King, God has used him to reach out and lovingly impact many more lives with that same love. I am so glad God gave me my dad! ~Nathan King, Project Manager    We hope you have enjoyed reading these sweet recollections. From all of us at IEW, we wish all of you fathers a wonderful day filled with love, family, and joy. You are doing the most important work of raising up children, and we are grateful. Someday your children will be the leaders, thinkers, and doers of our country. Thank you! Wonderful to read! Permalink By cedavidJul04 Thank you for sharing these wonderful stories! Log in or register to post comments

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