Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Music Therapy What, When, Where, And Why - 1434 Words

Music Therapy: Who, What, When, Where, and Why Music speaks. Through lyrics, harmonies, melodies, dynamics, and rhythms, music speaks. The song â€Å"You’ll Be in my Heart† written and enchantingly sung by Phil Collins always takes me back: â€Å"For one so small-/ You seem so strong-/ My arms will hold you-/ Keep you safe and warm-/ This bond between us-/ Can t be broken-/ I will be here-/ Don t you cry-/ Cause you ll be in my heart-/ Yes, you ll be in my heart-/ From this day on-/ Now and forever more-/ You ll be in my heart-/ No matter what they say-/ You ll be here-/ In my heart-/ Always-† (9-25). This incredibly beautiful song takes me back to my childhood innocence when I would listen to this soundtrack to one of my favorite Disney movies on repeat until it lulled me to sleep. Now as a young adult, the overwhelming sense of comfort, peace, and deep love still flood my soul with one of the greatest feelings I have ever felt the second the song begins to play. Music has this incredible way of making us feel so deeply. Doctors have been known to target this power of music and use it for music therapy; because this is so effective, it should be more widely spread and used far more often by individuals other that just doctors. The first group of people that should be using music therapy in their everyday work is certainly therapists. Numerous individuals suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder; a therapist could successfully treat a patient with this disorder byShow MoreRelatedMusic : The Power Of Music1741 Words   |  7 Pages Uses of Music The Power of Music Ariel Balda South Piedmont Community College Abstract Music is something has been around for a really long time. Music can be seen as a form in which artists express themselves but it could also benefit people that listen to it. Music has many uses for people. Musical therapy is a type of therapy that has been developed and researched well. 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